1. Click on the map for more information about the municipality or
  2. Select municipality for more details on findings on the map or
  3. Select the topic and the year of the audit to display the findings in a table
(due to large amount of data, loading can take longer)
  1. Click on the map for information about the covid subsidies provided in the municipalities from the First Aid project between March 2020 and June 2022
  2. Select a municipality to display the data of specific recipients of covid subsidies
  1. Click on the map for more information about the municipality
  2. Select a municipality to display the structure of average annual expenses in the period 2019-2023 according to COFOG functional classification areas in the graph


On March 3-5, 2020, representatives of the SAO SR participated in the 1st international hackathon of supreme audit institutions organized by the SAO CR in Prague. As part of the hackathon, they created a pilot version of the application, which serves as a public audit tool in municipalities.

Mandate authorizes the SAO SR also to audit self-government of municipalities and higher territorial units. From the point of view of administrative and territorial-administrative division, the territory of the SR is divided into 8 regions, which are divided into 79 districts and 2 927 municipalities, of which 141 are cities, 39 boroughs and 3 military districts. The application does not contain data on military districts, but do contain also data on The capital of Slovakia Bratislava and Košice.

Free available software R was used to visualize the data of the emerging database. The search for findings from SAO SR audits carried out since 2012 in the municipalities of the Slovak Republic is also part of the application.

All data are regularly updated once a year during the month of April based on data as of March 31 of the respective year.


Interactive map showing the number of municipalities. When zoomed in, the number of municipalities is updated gradually up to the level of a single municipality. It allows you to select a municipality in the search tool. Clicking on a municipality displays basic characteristics of the municipality and links to related pages, including audits conducted by the SAO SR.

The database provides the following overview:
  • Population of the municipality (Source: SO SR)
  • The economy of the municipality (Source: Datacentrum (MoF), Register of Financial Statements)
  • Resources from EU funds for PP 2014-2020 (Source: ITMS, Agricultural Paying Agency)
  • Number of primary schools (Source: Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic)
  • SAO SR audits carried out in municipalities (Source: Audit information system of the SAO SR)

Interactive map with the possibility of searching for audit findings of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic since 2012 in individual municipalities of the Slovak Republic. After filtering by municipality, year, type of audit or the amount of the finding, it allows you to display the text of the specific audit findings of the SAO SR. The size of the dot on the map grows with the increasing number of audits in the respective municipality.

The map also provides information about the number of measures to address identified deficiencies. The adopted measures are grouped into three categories: fulfilled or in fulfillment, unfulfilled and not evaluated. Structured data for older measures (from 2012-2014) are not available.

All audit findings as well as reports on the audit results since 2012 are publicly available on the website of the SAO SR.

The audit findings were updated on March 31,2023.

(Data source: Audit information system of the SAO SR)

Interactive map with the option of selecting a municipality to obtain an overview of the financial subsidies provided to recipients in the municipalities from First Aid projects for the period from March 2020 to June 2022. A First Aid scheme was launched in March 2020 to preserve employment during the state of emergency, which provides employers with support to retain their employees and self employed persons support to maintain the operation of their activities. In October 2020, the First Aid+ project was approved. This project improved the conditions for providing subsidies for target groups. Later in February 2021 was approved the First Aid++ project.

After clicking on the municipality, a summary overview of the number of recipients of financial help in the municipality, the total amount provided, the average amount per recipient, the minimum and maximum amount of the financial subsidy will be displayed.

(Data source: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, June 24,2022)

Interactive map with the option of choosing a municipality to find out the state of the municipality's economy in recent years. The size of the dot on the map grows with the increasing average debt per capita in the respective municipality. After selecting a municipality, data about economy of the municipality for the last available period will be displayed in the following structure:

  • Average annual revenues and expenditures
  • Balance (profit/loss)
  • Average debt per capita
  • Expenditures in individual areas of the COFOG functional classification

Data according to COFOG classification represent the distribution of goverment expenditures according to the function for which they are intended. This classification is mainly intended for the needs of international comparison of data and divides expenditures into 10 basic groups: general public services; defence; public order and safety; economic affairs; environmental protection; housing and community amenities; health; recreation, culture and religion; education; welfare.

(Data source: Datacentrum (MoF), Register of Financial Statements)

Interactive map of the use of European funds for the program period 2014-2020 (status as of March 31, 2024). Irregularities represent funds that the municipality must return as a result of non-compliance with the rules applicable to the payment of EU funds. The size of the dot on the map corresponds with the amount of spent funds without RDP per capita in the respective municipality. Sliders for indicators allow filtering of municipalities with a selected level of contracted (approved), provided or spent funds per capita.

Explanation of the difference between provided and spent funds

In terms of financing from European funds, the so-called pre-financing model (or advance payments) is often used. In practice, the provision of an advance payment means that the recipient of the funds will receive the given funds (provision) on their accounts, but these funds have not yet been used for the given purpose. The recipient uses them only at the moment of project implementation, i.e., he uses them for the purpose of the project, and thus pays specific invoices and records them in his accounting.

The difference in the amounts between the provided and spent funds may also be caused by the fact that the provided funds only count the funds that were provided by the EU, while the amount of spent funds may also include co-financing from a specific entity - the recipient.

(Data source: ITMS, Agricultural Paying Agency)

The following changes have been made in the application:

  • First release of the revised version from the Hackathon (June 2020)
  • Correction of minor errors and sugestions (August 2020)
  • Update of audit data for 2020 and modification of the filter on audit topics (March 2021)
  • Creation of a new tab regarding economy of municipalities with a focus on expenditure areas (July 2021)
  • Addition of data on the number of measures taken to the audit findings tab (July 2021)
  • Website visual update (July 2021)
  • Overall website speed-up and other partial modifications (December 2021)
  • Update of audit findings (March 2022)
  • Creation of the new tab about First Aid provided to employers and self-employed persons during the covid (July 2022)
  • Update of audit findings (August 2022)
  • Launch of the English version, video tutorial and other modifications (March 2023)
  • Update of all data (April 2023)
  • Addition of data on irregularities in EU funds (August 2023)
  • Addition of data on transfers for transferred execution of state administration (August 2023)
  • Update of all data (April 2024)



Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic

Priemyselná 2, 824 73 Bratislava 26

tel.: +421 2 501 14 403 (602)

You can send your suggestions for SAO SR here: info@nku.gov.sk

You can send your suggestions for improving the application here: mumap@nku.gov.sk

Website SAO SR: www.nku.gov.sk

Twitter SAO SR Facebook SAO SR YouTube SAO SR LinkdIn SAO SR Instagram SAO SR


Responsible person for GDPR, email: zodpovednaosoba@nku.gov.sk

General provisions

The operator of the MuMap application is the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as SAO SR), Priemyselná 2, 824 73 Bratislava. The SAO SR respects the privacy of everyone who accesses the MuMap application and processes personal data in accordance with applicable legislation. Every time the user accesses the MuMap application, data about this access is recorded and processed. The processed data do not include any personal data and it is not possible to identify you through them on the websites of third parties - including the websites of analysis providers. All this data is processed for statistical purposes only. This data is not provided to third parties, no data is transferred to third countries, and no form of profiling is carried out. The MuMap application does not use or store cookies (small text files) of the internet browser on your end device.